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SQL - Inserting data into a table using a join

I have created a table and want to insert data into this table from another table using a join. The problem I am having is that table 2 is massive, 100s of millions of rows, so when I run my query I always get an error message "2646 no more spool space".

This is a example of the query I was trying to use, I have already created the empty column in my table.

INSERT INTO database1.table1 (empty column)
SELECT desiredcolumn
FROM database2.table2
INNER JOIN database1.table1
on table1.column = table2.column


Try manually rinning it 10 million by 10 million splitting on ID

INSERT INTO database1.table1 (empty_column) SELECT desiredcolumn from database2.table2 INNER JOIN database1.table1 on table1.column = table2.column where table1.id <10 000 000 and table1.id > 0

then launch it several times until you did all the records


update e_tbl 
set empty_column = desiredcolumn 
                    from   database2.table2 big_tbl
                    INNER JOIN database1.table1 e_tbl on e_tbl.column = 
                    where big_tbl.id <10 000 000
                     and big_tbl.id > 0

Try a temp table. Teradata or SQL Server?

SQL Server

SELECT desiredcolumn 
into #temp
from database2.table2 
INNER JOIN database1.table1 
on table1.column = table2.column;

INSERT INTO database1.table1 (empty column) 
SELECT desiredcolumn 
from #temp;


Create volatile Table TempTable as (
    SELECT desiredcolumn 
    from database2.table2 
    INNER JOIN database1.table1 
    on table1.column = table2.column
) with data
on commit preserve rows;

INSERT INTO database1.table1 (empty column) 
SELECT desiredcolumn 
from TempTable;

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