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How to join the columns value in one column?

I have a table with two columns relationship type and lives with like the following, I want all the relationship types values which has 'T' in lives with column in one column

|A           |T        |
|B           |T        |
|C           |F        |

like this

|T           |F        |
|A B         |C        |

I tried using Pivot but it only gives me one values in T column. I am using Microsoft SQL Server 2012

You can make use of for xml path('') and use STUFF as follows

 create table data(relationship varchar(10),liveswith varchar(10));

 insert into data values('A','T');
 insert into data values('B','T');
 insert into data values('C','F');

 with temp_output
     as (
       SELECT  a.liveswith
              ,STUFF((SELECT  '-' + relationship
                        FROM data a1
                       WHERE a1.liveswith=a.liveswith
                     ORDER BY relationship
                        FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, '') AS listStr
         FROM data a
       GROUP BY a.liveswith
select max(case when liveswith='T' then liststr end) as 'T'
      ,max(case when liveswith='F' then liststr end) as 'F'
 from temp_output  

|  T  | F |
| A-B | C |

You can pivot on true/false with case statements:

string_agg(CASE WHEN liveswith THEN relationship ELSE '' END, ' ') AS T,
string_agg(CASE WHEN NOT liveswith THEN relationship ELSE '' END, ' ') AS F
FROM foobar;


  t   |  f
 A B  |   C

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