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Problem of using hibernate interceptor in springboot

I want to use hibernate interceptor in spring boot in order to use the afterTransactionCompletion() method to do something after the transaction committed.

I follow the How to use Spring managed Hibernate interceptors in Spring Boot to configure(I just add spring.jpa.properties.hibernate.ejb.interceptor=com.lc.demo.inteceptor.MyInteceptor in application.properties )

The interceptor works but there is still a problem when I try to get the transaction status in the method afterTransactionCompletion() , it is always NOT_ACTIVE (I wish it could be COMMITTED ):

import static org.hibernate.resource.transaction.spi.TransactionStatus.COMMITTED;

import org.hibernate.EmptyInterceptor;
import org.hibernate.Transaction;
import org.hibernate.resource.transaction.spi.TransactionStatus;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

public class MyInteceptor extends EmptyInterceptor{

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -7992825362361127331L;

    public void afterTransactionCompletion(Transaction tx) {
        //The status is always NOT_ACTIVE
        TransactionStatus status = tx.getStatus(); //
        if (tx.getStatus() == COMMITTED) {
            System.out.println("This is what I want to do");
        } else {
            System.out.println("This is what I do not want");

    public void beforeTransactionCompletion(Transaction tx) {
        // The status is ACTIVE
        TransactionStatus status = tx.getStatus();

I try to debug it and find that before the afterTransactionCompletion() is called,

in org.hibernate.resource.jdbc.internal.LogicalConnectionProvidedImpl which extends AbstractLogicalConnectionImplementor , the commit() method call the afterCompletion() method which call the resetConnection(boolean initiallyAutoCommit) to set the transaction status NOT_ACTIVE :

 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later.
 * See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>.
package org.hibernate.resource.jdbc.internal;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;

import org.hibernate.TransactionException;
import org.hibernate.resource.jdbc.ResourceRegistry;
import org.hibernate.resource.jdbc.spi.LogicalConnectionImplementor;
import org.hibernate.resource.jdbc.spi.PhysicalJdbcTransaction;
import org.hibernate.resource.transaction.spi.TransactionStatus;

import org.jboss.logging.Logger;

 * @author Steve Ebersole
public abstract class AbstractLogicalConnectionImplementor implements LogicalConnectionImplementor, PhysicalJdbcTransaction {
    private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger( AbstractLogicalConnectionImplementor.class );

    private TransactionStatus status = TransactionStatus.NOT_ACTIVE;
    protected ResourceRegistry resourceRegistry;

    public PhysicalJdbcTransaction getPhysicalJdbcTransaction() {
        return this;

    protected void errorIfClosed() {
        if ( !isOpen() ) {
            throw new IllegalStateException( this.toString() + " is closed" );

    public ResourceRegistry getResourceRegistry() {
        return resourceRegistry;

    public void afterStatement() {
        log.trace( "LogicalConnection#afterStatement" );

    public void afterTransaction() {
        log.trace( "LogicalConnection#afterTransaction" );


    // PhysicalJdbcTransaction impl ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    protected abstract Connection getConnectionForTransactionManagement();

    public void begin() {
        try {
            if ( !doConnectionsFromProviderHaveAutoCommitDisabled() ) {
                log.trace( "Preparing to begin transaction via JDBC Connection.setAutoCommit(false)" );
                getConnectionForTransactionManagement().setAutoCommit( false );
                log.trace( "Transaction begun via JDBC Connection.setAutoCommit(false)" );
            status = TransactionStatus.ACTIVE;
        catch( SQLException e ) {
            throw new TransactionException( "JDBC begin transaction failed: ", e );

    public void commit() {
        try {
            log.trace( "Preparing to commit transaction via JDBC Connection.commit()" );
            status = TransactionStatus.COMMITTED;
            log.trace( "Transaction committed via JDBC Connection.commit()" );
        catch( SQLException e ) {
            status = TransactionStatus.FAILED_COMMIT;
            throw new TransactionException( "Unable to commit against JDBC Connection", e );


    protected void afterCompletion() {
        // by default, nothing to do

    protected void resetConnection(boolean initiallyAutoCommit) {
        try {
            if ( initiallyAutoCommit ) {
                log.trace( "re-enabling auto-commit on JDBC Connection after completion of JDBC-based transaction" );
                getConnectionForTransactionManagement().setAutoCommit( true );
                status = TransactionStatus.NOT_ACTIVE;
        catch ( Exception e ) {
                    "Could not re-enable auto-commit on JDBC Connection after completion of JDBC-based transaction : " + e

    public void rollback() {
        try {
            log.trace( "Preparing to rollback transaction via JDBC Connection.rollback()" );
            status = TransactionStatus.ROLLED_BACK;
            log.trace( "Transaction rolled-back via JDBC Connection.rollback()" );
        catch( SQLException e ) {
            status = TransactionStatus.FAILED_ROLLBACK;
            throw new TransactionException( "Unable to rollback against JDBC Connection", e );


    protected static boolean determineInitialAutoCommitMode(Connection providedConnection) {
        try {
            return providedConnection.getAutoCommit();
        catch (SQLException e) {
            log.debug( "Unable to ascertain initial auto-commit state of provided connection; assuming auto-commit" );
            return true;

    public TransactionStatus getStatus(){
        return status;

    protected boolean doConnectionsFromProviderHaveAutoCommitDisabled() {
        return false;

Can somebody help me to solve this problem? Thanks a lot. Here are my pom.xml :

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
    xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
        <relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
    <description>Demo project for Spring Boot</description>






If you're using Spring transactions you can leverage TransactionSynchronization and use afterCommit()

default void afterCommit()

Invoked after transaction commit. Can perform further operations right after the main transaction has successfully committed.


TransactionSynchronizationManager.registerSynchronization(new TransactionSynchronization(){
           void afterCommit(){
                //do your thing

You can also explore TransactionSynchronizationAdapter - in a similar way you can implement you own "AfterCommitExecutor" that implements the Executor interface and extends TransactionSynchronizationAdapter and overrides the afterCommit() method.

I use the answer by hovanessyan and it works, now let me completely describe what I did here:

I was trying to migrate other people's code to springboot, the code uses hibernate with a persistence.xml and the interceptor uses threadlocal to store all the entities in a transaction, when the transaction is committed, choose one "best" entity to email user, else do nothing and clear the threadlocal, the code is :

    public class MyInterceptor extends EmptyInterceptor {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -7992825362361127331L;

    //The MyThreadLocal used to store all the entities in a transaction, when the transaction
    //committed, the interceptor will choose the "best" entity to email user
    private static MyThreadLocal myThreadLocal;

    public static void setMyThreadLocal(MyThreadLocal mTL) {
        MyInterceptor.myThreadLocal = mTL;

    public void afterTransactionCompletion(Transaction tx) {
        TransactionStatus status = tx.getStatus();
        if (tx.getStatus() == COMMITTED) {
        } else {

    public void beforeTransactionCompletion(Transaction tx) {
        TransactionStatus status = tx.getStatus();

    public boolean onSave(Object entity, Serializable id, Object[] state, String[] propertyNames, Type[] types) {
        MyThreadLocal.resourceAdded((Entity) entity);
        return false;

    public boolean onFlushDirty(Object entity, Serializable id, Object[] currentState, Object[] previousState, String[] propertyNames, Type[] types) {
        Diff diff = new Diff(previousState, currentState, propertyNames);
        MyThreadLocal.resourceUpdated((Entity) entity, diff);
        return false;

    public void onDelete(Object entity, Serializable id, Object[] state, String[] propertyNames, Type[] types) {
        MyThreadLocal.resourceRemoved((Entity) entity);

    public void onCollectionUpdate(Object collection, Serializable key) throws CallbackException {
        if (!(collection instanceof PersistentCollection)) {
            LOGGER.e("Unsupported collection type: {}", collection.getClass());
        Entity owner = (Entity) ((PersistentCollection) collection).getOwner();
        String role = ((PersistentCollection) collection).getRole();
        MyThreadLocal.collectionResourceUpdated(owner, role);

But in afterTransactionCompletion() method, the transaction status is always NOT_ACTIVE, now I use the TransactionSynchronization interface just to replace the afterTransactionCompletion() method:

    public class MyInterceptor extends EmptyInterceptor implements TransactionSynchronization {

    //the mothod of TransactionSynchronization interface
    public void afterCompletion(int status) {
        if (status == STATUS_COMMITTED) {
        } else {

    //the old code which works not well
    public void afterTransactionCompletion(Transaction tx) {
        TransactionStatus status = tx.getStatus();
        if (tx.getStatus() == COMMITTED) {
        } else {

   ...... other codes

And the new inteceptor also need to be configured global by AOP:

public class InterceptorInit{
    private MyInteceptor mI;

    public void registerTransactionSyncrhonization() {

Now it seems that all work well, I will continue to test.

While I suggest usage of Spring TransactionSynchronization too. In case it can't be used (or not desired to) there are two things to note:

beforeTransactionCompletion - "Called before a transaction is committed (but not before rollback)." - which means this method can be actually used to recognize if the transaction is fine right before commit or not and save it in some temporary (ideally ThreadLocal) state.

afterTransactionCompletion - in case the transaction is rollbacked, the state of the transaction is not "NOT_ACTIVE" but "MARKED_ROLLBACK" - therefore the state "NOT_ACTIVE" in combination with beforeTransactionCompletion being actually called can be used to determine the transaction was a success.

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