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I run the python open alrp project but I am getting a file not found error

I'm trying to use the python openalrp plate reading project, but I get an error. can you please help?

parser.add_argument("--config", dest="config", action="store", 
              help="Path to openalpr.conf config file" )
parser.add_argument("--runtime_data", dest="runtime_data", action="store", 
              help="Path to OpenALPR runtime_data directory" )
parser.add_argument('plate_image', help='License plate image file')
options = parser.parse_args()

The error definition is as follows:

usage: test.py

           [-h] [-c COUNTRY] [--config CONFIG]
           [--runtime_data RUNTIME_DATA]
           test.py: error: the following arguments are required: plate_image

This does not seem to be an airp problem.

If you looked at the stacktrace of the error (by not catching it) you would see that it comes from argparse .

Because of the line:

parser.add_argument('plate_image', help='License plate image file')

You need to pass the argument plate_image to the program.

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