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Query to return just unique value from last column

I have a query that returns everything as wanted. But I do not want duplicates. Already tried "group by" but I get the exact same result.

select distinct eq.id as id, tipo.descripcion as tipoId, eq.tagId, eq.periodoId, eq.asignado, op.numOpcion as empleadoId
from Empleados emp inner join dbo.Opciones op ON op.empleadoId = emp.id 
inner join dbo.TipoEquipo tipo ON tipo.id = op.tipoEquipoId 
inner join dbo.Equipos eq ON eq.tipoId = tipo.id
where emp.Id = 1 
order by op.numOpcion

I get this.

id  tipoId  tagId   periodoId   asignado    empleadoId
1   Macbook tag1           1    Si             1
3   iMac    tag3           1    Si             2
5   Dell Lap OP tag5       1    No             3
6   Dell Lap OP tag6       1    No             3

Trying to get unique (the first value for empleadoId). Like this.

id  tipoId  tagId   periodoId   asignado    empleadoId
1   Macbook tag1           1    Si             1
3   iMac    tag3           1    Si             2
5   Dell Lap OP tag5       1    No             3


You get duplicate rows because you have a eq.id which has unique id so, you can remove it or use row_number() :

select top (1) with ties eq.id as id, tipo.descripcion as tipoId, eq.tagId, eq.periodoId, eq.asignado, op.numOpcion as empleadoId
from Empleados emp inner join 
     dbo.Opciones op 
     ON op.empleadoId = emp.id inner join 
     dbo.TipoEquipo tipo 
     ON tipo.id = op.tipoEquipoId inner join 
     dbo.Equipos eq 
     ON eq.tipoId = tipo.id
where emp.Id = 1 
order by row_number() over (partition by tipo.descripcion, eq.periodoId, eq.asignado, op.numOpcion order by eq.id desc);

You've got two rows with Dell as you've used operator distinct for eq.id . So you can:

  tipo.descripcion as tipoId
, eq.tagId
, eq.periodoId
, eq.asignado
, op.numOpcion as empleadoId
from Empleados emp inner join dbo.Opciones op ON op.empleadoId = emp.id 
inner join dbo.TipoEquipo tipo ON tipo.id = op.tipoEquipoId 
inner join dbo.Equipos eq ON eq.tipoId = tipo.id
where emp.Id = 1
group by   tipo.descripcion
         , eq.tagId
         , eq.periodoId
         , eq.asignado
         , op.numOpcion 
order by op.numOpcion

Or just use subquery and then GROUP BY without id :

select q.tipoId, q.tagId, q.periodoId, q.asignado, q.empleadoId
distinct eq.id as id
, tipo.descripcion as tipoId
, eq.tagId
, eq.periodoId, 
eq.asignado, op.numOpcion as empleadoId
from Empleados emp inner join dbo.Opciones op ON op.empleadoId = emp.id 
inner join dbo.TipoEquipo tipo ON tipo.id = op.tipoEquipoId 
inner join dbo.Equipos eq ON eq.tipoId = tipo.id
where emp.Id = 1 
group by q.tipoId, q.tagId, q.periodoId, q.asignado, q.empleadoId
order by q.empleadoId

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