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error: 'std::__cxx11::list<User>::iterator' {aka 'struct std::_List_iterator<User>'} has no member named XXX

I am learning C++ but I get an error with my first class. I need help to understand what it is wrong with this code.

I get the following error message:

main.cpp:36:13: error: 'std::__cxx11::list<User>::iterator' {aka 'struct std::_List_iterator<User>'} has no member named

The main function prompts users to enter their name, creates list and list iterator, displays Info of the two users

The main() function:

#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include "User.cpp"
using namespace std;
int main() {
    string str0 ="";
    usrs players; 
    players = create_2user();
    list<User> playerList = { players.usr0, players.usr1 };
    for( list<User>::iterator usr = playerList.begin(); usr != playerList.end(); usr++) {
   return 0;

The class User :

class User {
    string name;
        void set_name (string in_name);     
        string get_name();
        void printInfo();
User::User()  { name="Unkonw"; }
void User::set_name(string in_name) { name  = in_name; }
string User::get_name() { return name; }
void   User::printInfo() { cout<<name; }

struct usrs { User usr0, usr1; };

usrs create_2user() {
    User array_usr[2];
    string str0;

    for(int i=0;i<2;i++) {
        cout<<"Enter player "<<i<<"'s name: ";
    usrs result = { array_usr[0], array_usr[1] };
    return result;

You try to invoke the member function printInfo on an iterator to a player instance, not a user instance. You can fix this by

for( list<User>::iterator usr = playerList.begin(); usr != playerList.end(); usr++) {

or with a range base for loop, which does the dereferencing for you:

for (User& usr : playerList)
    usr.printInfo(); // Here, your original syntax works

If you want to overengineer it, you could also begin learning the <algorithm> header and

#include <algorithm>

std::for_each(playerList.cbegin(), playerList.cend(),

which in C++20 won't be as absurd for a beginner as the above usage:

std::ranges::for_each(playerList, &User::printInfo);

Note that as printInfo() doesn't alter any state of the object, you should mark this member function const , and use a const_iterator , within the range base for loop, for (const User& usr : playerList) and for the algorithm invocation cbegin()/cend() .

This: list<User>::iterator usr declares usr to be an iterator. In C++, an iterator is something like a generalised pointer — an object which points to another object (1) . So you have to treat it like a pointer: if you want to access the object being pointed to, you have to derefernce the iterator using either * (to get to the object), or -> (to get to the object's members). So change the statement in the for loop body to:


(1) The difference is that pointers point to an address, while iterators point to a position in a container.

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