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Are the injected classes in Java EE and Spring synchronized?

I want to have just one TCP socket that connects to another program. Every new call to my rest endpoint writes to my TCP socket. If I write a class with my TCP socket and inject it into my Controller class, will it be thread safe? or do I have to synchronize them using the synchronize keyword?

public  class ViconetBuffer {

private Socket socket;

private boolean connectToViconSocket(){
    try {
        socket = new Socket(DeviceAddressUtil.socketIp,DeviceAddressUtil.port);
        return true;
    }catch (Exception ex){
        return false;

public void sendDataToViconSocket(String message){
    try {
        if (!socket.isConnected()){
        }else socket.getOutputStream().write(message.getBytes());
    }catch (Exception ex){


No, that's your job. Spring/CDI/EJB can not know how you want the several threads to coordinate their use of the Socket.

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