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How do you parse this JSON data?

I have this JSON data that I would like to parse but I'm not sure how to go about it.
Here's the JSON :


I used the Visual Studio tool, Edit -> Paste Special -> Paste as JSON classes , to convert this JSON in classes and it gave me this class structure:

Public Class Rootobject
    Public Property input As Input
    Public Property results() As Result
End Class

Public Class Input
    Public Property lat As Single
    Public Property lon As Single
End Class

Public Class Result
    Public Property block_fips As String
    Public Property bbox() As Single
    Public Property county_fips As String
    Public Property county_name As String
    Public Property state_fips As String
    Public Property state_code As String
    Public Property state_name As String
    Public Property block_pop_2015 As Integer
    Public Property amt As String
    Public Property bea As String
    Public Property bta As String
    Public Property cma As String
    Public Property eag As String
    Public Property ivm As String
    Public Property mea As String
    Public Property mta As String
    Public Property pea As String
    Public Property rea As String
    Public Property rpc As String
    Public Property vpc As String
End Class

So then what I did to try and parse the data is:

Dim MyJSON As String = JsonAbove
Dim jss As New JavaScriptSerializer()
Dim dict = jss.Deserialize(Of Result)(rawresp)

All I get is a blank MessageBox with no results.
Am I doing something wrong?

Use List Of Objects instead of array in your class. I have done two changes One in the rootobject for results and other in the result class for bbox

Public Class Rootobject
    Public Property input As Input
    Public Property results As List(Of Result)
End Class

Public Class Input
    Public Property lat As Single
    Public Property lon As Single
End Class

Public Class Result
    Public Property block_fips As String
    Public Property bbox As List(Of Single)
    Public Property county_fips As String
    Public Property county_name As String
    Public Property state_fips As String
    Public Property state_code As String
    Public Property state_name As String
    Public Property block_pop_2015 As Integer
    Public Property amt As String
    Public Property bea As String
    Public Property bta As String
    Public Property cma As String
    Public Property eag As String
    Public Property ivm As String
    Public Property mea As String
    Public Property mta As String
    Public Property pea As String
    Public Property rea As String
    Public Property rpc As String
    Public Property vpc As String
End Class

Then access the properties

  Dim jss As New JavaScriptSerializer()
  Dim dict = jss.Deserialize(Of Rootobject)(MyJSON)

Same, using the Newtonsoft.Json namespace.

The classes properties have being assigned new names, using a <JsonProperty> attribute.
Also, the Results property is modified to return a List(Of Result) .

The deserialization is pretty simple and straightforward:
You can use the Visual Studio NuGet Package Manager to install Newtonsoft.Json .

Imports Newtonsoft.Json

Dim latlonResults As RootObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of RootObject)(JSON)
Dim state As String = latlonResults.Results(0).StateName

or access a property directly while deserializing:

Dim state As String = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of RootObject)(JSON).Results(0).StateName

Refactored classes:

Public Class RootObject 
    Public Property Input() As Input

    Public Property Results() As List(Of Result)
End Class

Public Class Input
    Public Property Lat() As Double

    Public Property Lon() As Double
End Class

Public Class Result
    Public Property BlockFips() As String

    Public Property Bbox() As List(Of Double)

    Public Property CountyFips() As Long

    Public Property CountyName() As String

    Public Property StateFips() As Long

    Public Property StateCode() As String

    Public Property StateName() As String

    Public Property BlockPop2015() As Long

    Public Property Amt() As String

    Public Property Bea() As String

    Public Property Bta() As String

    Public Property Cma() As String

    Public Property Eag() As String

    Public Property Ivm() As String

    Public Property Mea() As String

    Public Property Mta() As String

    Public Property Pea() As String

    Public Property Rea() As String

    Public Property Rpc() As String

    Public Property Vpc() As String
End Class

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