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Jayway JsonPath read String Java

I receive an array of JSON objects, a part of which is below:


I want to forcefully read all fields as string so as to make further processing easy and uniform. So Amount must be read as 10000.0 and not as 1.0E5 .

Below is the code snippet that I use :

String input=IOUtils.toString(inputStream);
String[] fields="Amount|Success".split("\\|");
ReadContext inputParsed =JsonPath.parse(input);
List<JSONArray> resultList=Arrays.stream(fields)
                          .map(x -> inputParsed.read("$[*]."+x,JSONArray.class))
//Further code to process resultList

When I print the values and type of Amount from resultList , they are shown as 1.0E5 and String respectively. In between parsing and reading, the conversion from Double to String seems to occur in unexpected way.

I read a similar post here and it addresses a bit different problem.

The inputStream and fields , which are to be extracted , will be provided at run time. Hence, using POJO and other methods that need to define Class won't work.

 1. You should download **org.json.jar**  this is used to convert json to what you need(String,int,etc), 
 2. Change your json format like below i mentioned



public static void main(String[] arg) throws JSONException {
        String arr = "{  \n"
                + "   \"data\":[  \n"
                + "      {  \n"
                + "         \"Team\":\"LTD\",\n"
                + "         \"Amount\":10000.0,\n"
                + "         \"Success\":true\n"
                + "      },\n"
                + "      {  \n"
                + "         \"Team\":\"XYZ\",\n"
                + "         \"Amount\":50000.0,\n"
                + "         \"Success\":false\n"
                + "      }\n"
                + "   ]\n"
                + "}";

        JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(arr);
        JSONArray data = obj.getJSONArray("data");
        int n = data.length();
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            final JSONObject dt = data.getJSONObject(i);

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