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Ampps window is greyed out, Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

I just installed Ampps through the terminal on Ubuntu 18.04, and everything went fine. When I run the program, however, the screen is completely greyed out, and I receive the following stack trace whenever I move the window:

[Ampps::exec] "/usr/local/ampps/apache/bin/httpd-k start" 
X Error: BadAccess (attempt to access private resource denied) 10
  Extension:    130 (MIT-SHM)
  Minor opcode: 1 (X_ShmAttach)
  Resource id:  0x14a
X Error: BadShmSeg (invalid shared segment parameter) 128
  Extension:    130 (MIT-SHM)
  Minor opcode: 5 (X_ShmCreatePixmap)
  Resource id:  0x1c00010
X Error: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter) 9
  Major opcode: 62 (X_CopyArea)
  Resource id:  0x1c00011
X Error: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter) 9
  Major opcode: 62 (X_CopyArea)
  Resource id:  0x1c00011
X Error: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter) 9
  Major opcode: 62 (X_CopyArea)
  Resource id:  0x1c00011

I've tried googling and searching on here, but couldn't find a solution. I read somewhere that I should use the command:

sudo QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1 usr/local/ampps/Ampps.run

When I use it, it doesn't recognize as a sudo command, and says the command wasn't found.

Any help/answers would be appreciated.

There is a slight mistake in your sentence. It should read:

sudo QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1 /usr/local/ampps/Ampps

For me setting the QT env to "native" did the trick:

The Qt rendering speed is affected strongly by the rendering mode used. In Qt version 4.7 or newer this can be controlled by the environmental variable QT_GRAPHICSSYSTEM. The options are "native", "raster", or "opengl" in order of increasing rendering speed. For earlier versions of Qt the terminal defaults to "raster".


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