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Python program that writing in an excel file is writing last line only

I have installed openpyxl module and now I am trying to write some data into an excel file, to fill up the excel file in one sheet in this way :

["01/01/2016", "05:00:00", 3] into row 1, colums A, B, C

["01/02/2016", "06:00:00", 4] into row 2, colums A, B, C

["01/03/2016", "07:00:00", 5] into row 3, colums A, B, C

["01/04/2016", "08:00:00", 6] into row 4, colums A, B, C

["01/05/2016", "09:00:00", 7] into row 5, colums A, B, C

When I try running the code, I obtain the following results :

  • row 1, columns A - 01/05/2016
  • row 1, columns B - 09:00:00
  • row 1, columns C - 7


import os, sys
from openpyxl import Workbook
from datetime import datetime

dt = datetime.now()

list_values = [["01/01/2016", "05:00:00", 3],
              ["01/02/2016", "06:00:00", 4],
              ["01/03/2016", "07:00:00", 5],
              ["01/04/2016", "08:00:00", 6],
              ["01/05/2016", "09:00:00", 7]]

wb = Workbook()
sheet = wb.active
sheet.title = "Data"

row = 1
sheet['A' + str(row)] = "Date"
sheet['B' + str(row)] = "Hour"
sheet['C' + str(row)] = "Value"

for item in list_values:
    sheet['A' + str(row)] = item[0]
    sheet['B' + str(row)] = item[1]
    sheet['C' + str(row)] = item[2]
    row =+ 1

filename = 'Book_3.xlsx'
os.system('start excel.exe "%s\\%s"' %(sys.path[0], filename,))

Result: 结果

You were using =+ instead of +=. Below code should work. I also change sys.path[0] to os.getcwd() which writes to the current working directory. Also added wb.save, as else code didn't produce an output.

import os, sys
from openpyxl import Workbook
from datetime import datetime

dt = datetime.now()

list_values = [["01/01/2016", "05:00:00", 3],
              ["01/02/2016", "06:00:00", 4],
              ["01/03/2016", "07:00:00", 5],
              ["01/04/2016", "08:00:00", 6],
              ["01/05/2016", "09:00:00", 7]]

wb = Workbook()
sheet = wb.active
sheet.title = "Data"

row = 1
sheet['A' + str(row)] = "Date"
sheet['B' + str(row)] = "Hour"
sheet['C' + str(row)] = "Value"

for item in list_values:
    sheet['A' + str(row)] = item[0]
    sheet['B' + str(row)] = item[1]
    sheet['C' + str(row)] = item[2]
    row += 1

dest_filename = 'Book_3.xlsx'
wb.save(filename = dest_filename)
os.system('start excel.exe "%s\\%s"' %(os.getcwd(), filename,))

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