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Python 3 - Google protobuf response - decode without .proto file

I have an issue decoding the google protobuf response without .proto file, had implemented with proto file and working fine, but in this case the .proto file is not available.

Using python 3+ and from the tunnel getting this response

b'\x08\x00\x12\x88\x01\x08\xda\xc9\x06\x10\xb6\xc9\x03\x18\xa1\x8b\xb8\x01 \x00*\x00:\x00B\x00J\x00R\x00Z\x00b\x00j\x00r\x00z\x00\x80\x01\xe9\x9b\x8c\xb5\x99-\x90\x01d\x98\x01\xea\x9b\x8c\xb5\x99-\xa2\x01\x00\xaa\x01\x00\xb0\x01\x00\xb8\x01\x01\xc0\x0

There is a way to decode the google ptobuf without .proto file and make it a dict?

my code to achieve this is below:

import pika

credentials = pika.PlainCredentials('demo', 'demo')

cp = pika.ConnectionParameters(

connection = pika.BlockingConnection(cp)
channel = connection.channel()

def callback(ch, method, properties, body):
    print(" [x] Received %r" % body)

channel.basic_consume(callback, queue='demo_queu', no_ack=True)

print(' [*] Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C')

need to achieve:

to get body and decode it in human readable

any idea will be appreciated

Finally found a workaround by my self, maybe is a primitive way but only this worked for me.


1. Did list with all the descriptors from .proto file

    here is .proto file generated for python 3 is too big cant paste content here


    descriptors = [proto_file.descriptor_1, proto_file.descriptor_2]

2. Loop throw list and pass one by one

for d in descriptors:
    decoded_response = proto_file._reflection.ParseMessage(d, raw_response.body)

3. Check if decoded_response is not blank

   if decoded_response:
       # descriptor was found
       # response is decoded
       # no descriptor

4. After decoded response we go parse it into dict:

from protobuf_to_dict import protobuf_to_dict

decoded_response_to_dict = protobuf_to_dict(decoded_response)

This solution that spent weeks on it finally worked.

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