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How to get return true with jq array value

I'm trying to use the following jq command to return a true output, if any of one of the condition is true in the list.

.Tags[] as $t| "aws:cloudformation:stack-name"| IN($t[])   


    "Tags": [{
            "Value": "INF-D-XX-SEC-OPNV-UW1",
            "Key": "Name"
            "Value": "INF-D-XX-CFS-StandardInfrastructure-UW1",
            "Key": "aws:cloudformation:stack-name"
            "Value": "sgOpenVPNAccess",
            "Key": "aws:cloudformation:logical-id"
            "Value": "UW1",
            "Key": "Location"
            "Value": "INF",
            "Key": "Application"
            "Value": "D",
            "Key": "Parent Environment"
            "Value": "arn:aws:cloudformation:us-west-1:111111:stack/INF-D-XX-CFS-StandardInfrastructure-UW1/1111-11-11e8-96fe-11",
            "Key": "aws:cloudformation:stack-id"
            "Value": "OPNV",
            "Key": "ResourceType"

This gave me a list of returned boolean values back as the following,



I would like to return a single value true if one of the


is detected and without given me a list of value back.

A very efficient solution (both with respect to time and space) is easy thanks to any/2 :

any(.Tags[]; .Key == "aws:cloudformation:stack-name")

This of course evaluates either to true or false . If you want true or nothing at all, you could tack on // empty to the above.

一个解决方案,从 .tags 构建一个布尔数组,然后使用any来聚合所有的布尔值

jq '.Tags | map( .Key == "aws:cloudformation:stack-name" ) |  any ' 

if you're open for alternatives, here's also a simple one (based on unix utility jtc ):

bash $ <file.json jtc -w'[Key]:<^aws:cloudformation:stack-name$()>R' -T'true{$1}'
bash $ <file.json jtc -w'[Key]:<^blah$()>R' -T'true{$1}'
bash $ 

a little trick is: perform a RE match, while using a phony/empty group (at the end of RE), just ensure that interpolation kicks in for the template upon a successful match.

Building on the previous answer by @peak, as can't post comments, you can use the '-e' flag to jq to set the exit status so you can easily chain shell commands together. This avoids having to test for the returned string.

jq -e 'any(.Tags[]; .Key == "aws:cloudformation:stack-name")' json >/dev/null && echo 'Exists' || echo 'Missing'

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