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DNS Java no text format defined for TSIG

I am using the Master class in the DNS Java library to parse bind zone files. However, when I try to parse the .BIZ zone file from Neustar, I get this error:

org.xbill.DNS.Tokenizer$TokenizerException: 486: no text format defined for TSIG

I would catch this exception and just continue processing entries but the TokenizerException class is not accessible outside the package so I am not able to catch it. I am calling zoneFileRecord.rdataToString() for each record.

Their file contains TSIG entries that look like this:

4h039a453.biz.      3600    IN  NS  ns1.rbe1.g-srv.net.
monitor.reg.neustar.com. 0  ANY TSIG    hmac-md5.sig-alg.reg.int. 1553302104 300 16 YWDHVhM3MpeTglOvyaj5fA== 27955 NOERROR 0 
4h039a453.biz.      3600    IN  NS  ns2.rbe1.g-srv.net.
4h06-ro1eyrm9.biz.  3600    IN  NS  ns1.gm111.parklogic.com.
4h06-ro1eyrm9.biz.  3600    IN  NS  ns2.gm111.parklogic.com.

dnsjava supports TSIG records, but it looks like constructing it from string representation wasn't implemented. There's an issue logged to fix the library: https://github.com/dnsjava/dnsjava/issues/38

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