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How to use case expression for the below query

I have this data with the following information:

AcctNumber  VisitID   TxnType   TxnJournal  TxnSvcDate  TxnBchDate  TxnNonChgCode  TxnAmount  TxnCount  TxnInsurance  ChgTotal
 csc       V123456789  PAY       CASUCL     2/8/2019    2/8/2019    CHECK         -181.22          1            SP     3386.6
 csc       V123456789  PAY       CASUCL     2/9/2019    2/9/2019    CHECK         -175.48          1            SP     3386.6
 csc       V123456789  PAY       CASUCL     2/8/2019    2/8/2019    CHECK         -68.06           1            SP     3386.6

But I need the results to be as below, Where you can see all the columns are same except charges total in the below result, i want these charges to populate only once for same VisitID OR AccountNumber and remaining to be populated as Zero , Let me know how can we solve this through the query.

AcctNumber  VisitID   TxnType   TxnJournal  TxnSvcDate  TxnBchDate  TxnNonChgCode  TxnAmount  TxnCount  TxnInsurance  ChgTotal
 csc       V123456789  PAY       CASUCL     2/8/2019    2/8/2019    CHECK         -181.22          1            SP    3386.6
 csc       V123456789  PAY       CASUCL     2/9/2019    2/9/2019    CHECK         -175.48          1            SP     0
 csc       V123456789  PAY       CASUCL     2/8/2019    2/8/2019    CHECK         -68.06           1            SP     0


tiny image

In the inner query I have added a Row_Number function on the column AcctNumber. This function will return a row number group by AcctNumber. So you will be start from 1 for every AcctNumber. In the outer query I have added a Case When to get the ChgTotal based on ROw Number.

    AcctNumber, VisitID, TxnType, TxnJournal, TxnSvcDate, TxnBchDate,  
    TxnNonChgCode, TxnAmount, TxnCount, TxnInsurance,  ChgTotal, 
       WHEN RowNumber = 1 THEN ChgTotal ELSE 0 
         ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY AcctNumber ORDER BY AcctNumber) RowNumber,
         AcctNumber, VisitID, TxnType, TxnJournal, TxnSvcDate, TxnBchDate,  
         TxnNonChgCode, TxnAmount, TxnCount, TxnInsurance, ChgTotal

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