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Pygame Platformer- Randomly Spawning Enemies

I am currently having an issue when trying to randomly spawn enemies into my platformer game. I have an enemy class class Enemy(pygame.sprite.Sprite): that has an __init__ and move(self) function. Currently i have each instance of the enemy defined individually:

 enemy1 = Enemy(210,515,"Enemy.png")
 enemy2 = Enemy(705,515,"Enemy.png")
 enemy3 = Enemy(1505,515,"Enemy.png")

During the main game loop i append each instance to a group:

enemy_list = pygame.sprite.Group()

However i would rather that the enemeies spawned at random times in a random position so i hought i could do a check like this:

if random.randrange(0,100) < 1:
                spawnEnemy = Enemy(400, 515, "Enemy.png")

My issue is that i do not know how to now append the random eney to the enemy_list. Any ideas?

if im correct the coordinates are being passed into class Enemy(pygame.sprite.Sprite): for instantiation

in that case the random positioning could be done by:

enemy4 = Enemy(random.randrange(100,1000),random.randrange(100,1000),"Enemy.png")

if you cannot hardcode enemy identifier, try directly adding to the enemy group list without assingment:


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