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Connecting c++ program with Oracle using occi library

I'm trying to connect my C++ program to Oracle database(12.1).

My C++ program at the moment is (I am using mingw64 g++ compiler in windows):

#include <occi.h> 

void oracle_connect()
    using namespace oracle::occi;       
    using namespace std;
    Environment *env;              
    Connection *conn;              
    Statement *stmt;               
    env = Environment::createEnvironment (Environment::DEFAULT);
    conn = env->createConnection ("dasdas", "dasdas", "dasdas");

int main()

I compile my program using this command:

g++ test.cpp -loci -lociw32 -loraocci12

All those libraries (oraocci12.lib ociw32.lib oci.lib) are from my oracle folder: oracle\\product\\12.1.0\\client_1\\oci\\lib\\msvc

But I got error during compilation:

undefined reference to `oracle::occi::Environment::createEnvironment(oracle::occi::Environment::Mode, void*, void* (*)(void*, unsigned int), void* (*)(void*, void*, unsigned int), void (*)(void*, void*))'

How should I properly link over my program to successfuly compile it?

In the project I am working the config is the following

#----- Environnement specifique Oracle -----
ORAINC = -I$(ORACLEINC) -I$(ORACLE_HOME_DEV)/rdbms/demo -I$(ORACLE_HOME_DEV)/precomp/public -I$(ORACLE_HOME_DEV)/plsql/public -I$(ORACLE_HOME_DEV)/network/public
ORALIB = -L$(ORACLELIB) -L$(ORACLE_HOME_DEV)/rdbms/lib -L$(ORACLE_HOME_DEV)/precomp/lib -L$(ORACLE_HOME_DEV)/plsql/lib -L$(ORACLE_HOME_DEV)/network/lib

where ORACLE_HOME_DEV --> /exec/products/oracle/v10.2/

The library you are looking for shoule be here

libocci.a.10.1 -> /exec/products/oracle/v10.2/lib32/libocci.a

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