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How to send JSONArray through a Rest API

I need some help with REST APIs. I'm trying to send JSON data through an API by using Postman's Body to test it. It appears to work, but when I check the Array by Debugging the code it says that the Array's size is 0.

I'm trying to send this:

         "valor":"* FT NPR **",

I'm using Java EE. I've tried to parsing the code to String but I don't know if I'm doing it wrong or if it just doesn't work.

This is the code:

public Response definedSubGrupo(@QueryParam("Us") int US, JSONArray data) 
   String Data=UtilClass.definedSubGrupo(data);
   return UtilClass.getReturn(Data);

I expected the full JSON that I sent, but the actual output is nothing (size=0).

Thank you.


public Response definedSubGrupo(@QueryParam("Us") int US, List<YourObject> data) 

You're on a JavaEE container, and, given the annotations you're specifying, you're building on top of JAX-RS. With JAX-RS you can accept a request body as a plain String

public Response definedSubGrupo(@QueryParam("Us")final int US, final String jsonBody) { ... }

You can then convert that jsonBody String to an object representing the JSON document structure using one of the available libraries in the market (JSON-java, Gson, Jackson, etc.).

For example, with Jackson, you'd have

final TreeNode treeNode = objectMapper.readTree(jsonBody);

With JSON-Java, you can have

final JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(jsonBody);
final JSONArray data = jsonObject.getJSONArray("data");

As of now, what you're telling JAX-RS is basically " map the request body to this JSONArray class ".
Unfortunately the class layout of JSONArray seems not compatible with the JSON you're sending, so JAX-RS simply create a new, "empty", instance.

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