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PostgreSQL crosstab doesn't work as desired

In this example, I expect the resulting pivot table to have values for 4 columns, but instead there's only values for 2.

It should've returned something like this:

| time | trace1 | trace2 | trace3 | trace4 |
| -----------------------------------------|
|   t  |   v    |   v    |   v    |   v    |
|   t  |   v    |   v    |   v    |  null  |
|   t  |  null  |   v    |   v    |   v    |
|   t  |   v    |   v    |  null  |   v    |
|   t  |   v    |  null  |   v    |   v    |

but I got this instead:

| time | trace1 | trace2 | trace3 | trace4 |
| -----------------------------------------|
|   t  |   v    |   v    |  null  |  null  |
|   t  |   v    |   v    |  null  |  null  |
|   t  |   v    |   v    |  null  |  null  |
|   t  |   v    |  null  |  null  |  null  |
|   t  |   v    |  null  |  null  |  null  |

Even worse, if I remove

order by unixdatetime

, everything will be smashed into only 1 column as below:

| time | trace1 | trace2 | trace3 | trace4 |
| -----------------------------------------|
|   t  |   v    |  null  |  null  |  null  |
|   t  |   v    |  null  |  null  |  null  |
|   t  |   v    |  null  |  null  |  null  |
|   t  |   v    |  null  |  null  |  null  |
|   t  |   v    |  null  |  null  |  null  |

Here's the code:

select * 
from crosstab(
        value::double precision 
    ) as t (unixdatetime, gaugesummaryid, value)
    order by unixdatetime
    ) as final_result (
        unixdatetime int, 
        trace1 double precision, 
        trace2 double precision, 
        trace3 double precision, 
        trace4 double precision

Here's the link in case you'd like to play around:


How to get the desired result?

Use the 2-argument form of the crosstab function:

FROM crosstab(
                value::double precision 
        FROM test
        ORDER BY unixdatetime
        , 'SELECT DISTINCT gaugesummaryid FROM test ORDER BY 1 LIMIT 4'
        ) as final_result (
                unixdatetime int, 
                trace1 double precision, 
                trace2 double precision, 
                trace3 double precision, 
                trace4 double precision


| unixdatetime | trace1 | trace2 | trace3 | trace4 |
|   1546300800 |    1.5 |        |    120 |        |
|   1546387200 |    1.5 |        |    120 |        |
|   1546473600 |    1.5 |        |    120 |        |
|   1546560000 |   1.75 |        |    110 |        |
|   1546646400 |   1.75 |        |    110 |        |
|   1546732800 |   1.75 |        |    110 |        |
|   1546819200 |   1.75 |        |    110 |        |
|   1546905600 |    1.5 |        |    115 |        |
|   1546992000 |    1.5 |        |    115 |        |
|   1547078400 |    1.5 |        |    115 |        |
|   1547164800 |    1.5 |        |        |        |
|   1547337600 |        |    200 |        |        |
|   1547424000 |        |    200 |        |        |
|   1547510400 |        |    200 |        |        |
|   1547596800 |        |    200 |        |        |
|   1547683200 |        |    200 |        |        |
|   1547769600 |        |    200 |        |        |
|   1547856000 |        |    200 |        |        |
|   1547942400 |        |    200 |        |    100 |
|   1548028800 |        |    200 |        |    100 |
|   1548115200 |        |    200 |        |    100 |
|   1548201600 |        |    200 |        |    100 |
|   1548288000 |        |    200 |        |    100 |

Using this setup:

        unixdatetime bigint, 
        gaugesummaryid int, 
        value double precision 

I would recommend you to use filter (where ...) clause instead of a pivot table.

    min(value) filter (where gaugesummaryid = 187923) as trace_1,
    min(value) filter (where gaugesummaryid = 187924) as trace_2,
    min(value) filter (where gaugesummaryid = 187926) as trace_3,
    min(value) filter (where gaugesummaryid = 187927) as trace_4
from table
group by 1;

Note, that you have to use an aggregate function to be able to use the clause. In your case, it does not matter if you use min , max , avg or sum .

While some of the target values may be missing , you need the 2-argument form of crosstab() ( like unutbu provided ).
But it makes no sense to use a query producing unstable results as 2nd parameter. Use a VALUES expression (or similar) to provide a stable set of target columns in sync with the resulting column definition list. Like:

FROM   crosstab(
   FROM  (
      (bigint '1546300800', 187923, float8 '1.5')
    , (1546387200,187923,1.5)
    , (1546473600,187923,1.5)
 -- , ...
    , (1548288000,187927,100)
   ) t (unixdatetime, gaugesummaryid, value)
   ORDER BY 1,2
     -- !!
   ) final_result (unixdatetime int
                 , trace1 float8
                 , trace2 float8
                 , trace3 float8
                 , trace4 float8);

db<>fiddle here

Detailed explanation:

It would be nice to get results for a dynamic number of target columns from a single query. Alas, SQL does not work like that. There are various workarounds. See:

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