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php, how to connect to a database as a class, send sql statments and return the result

Forgive me if the question is a little odd
I can clarify if needed:

I have the code that can connect to a mysql database as normal, however i have encapsulated it as a class:

define("HOST", "");     // The host you want to connect to.
define("USER", "phpuser");    // The database username.
define("PASSWORD", "Secretpassword");    // The database password.

class DBConnection{

    function conn($sql, $database){
        $DB = new mysqli(HOST,USER,PASSWORD,$database);
        if ($DB->connect_error){
            die("Connection failed: " . $DB->connect_error);

        if ($result = $DB->query($sql)){
            return TRUE;
             echo "Error: " . $sql . "<br>" . $DB->error;            

I have done it this way so i can include this class in any subsequent php page and allow them to send it an sql statment and the database, see below as an example:

$sql = ("INSERT INTO  users (first_name, last_name, username, email, password, group_level) VALUES ('John', 'Doah','JDoah', 'example@email', 'password', 'user')");

        $DB = new DBConnection;
        $result = $DB->conn($sql,"members");

        if ($result ==TRUE){
            return "Record added sucessfully";

This works fine. however, im looking to send other sql statments to DBConnection.

How do i do that and to have it pass back any results that it recives? errors, boolean, row data etc. The caller will worry about parsing it.

Hopefully that makes sense.

This is an old class I used to use way back in the days of mysql still works but will need to be updated for mysqli or newer

class DBManager{
    private $credentials = array(
        "host" => "localhost",
        "user" => "",
        "pass" => "",
        "db" => ""

    function DBManager(){

    function ConnectToDBServer(){
        mysql_connect($this->credentials["host"],$this->credentials["user"],$this->credentials["pass"]) or die(mysql_error());

    function ConnectToDB(){
        mysql_select_db($this->credentials["db"]) or die(mysql_error());

    function Insert($tableName,$data){
        $parameters = '';

        $len = count($data);
        $i = 0;
        foreach($data as $key => $value){
            if(++$i === $len){
                $parameters .= $key . "='$value'";
                $parameters .= $key . "='$value'" . ", ";

        $query = "INSERT INTO $tableName SET $parameters";

        mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
        return true;

    function GetRow($tableName,$select,$where){
        $selection = '';

        $len = count($select);
        $i = 0;
        foreach($select as $key){
            if(++$i === $len){
                $selection .= $key;
                $selection .= $key . ",";

        $whereAt = '';

        foreach($where as $key => $value){
            $whereAt .= $key . "='$value'";

        $query = "SELECT $selection FROM $tableName WHERE $whereAt";
        $result = mysql_query($query);

        while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
            return $row;

The key things here is you can create a persistent connection to your database without rewriting a bunch of code


global $DB;
$DB = new DBManager();

Since the connection happens in the constructor you will now have a connection on the page you call this code and can begin getting and setting to the database through use of $DB->GetRow() and $DB->Insert() which makes things much easier and was modeled after the $wpdb instance which is a class that manages the database in wordpress sites


For these examples we will assume you have a table as such 在此处输入图片说明

Insert new student

//create an associative array
$data = array(
  "student_id" => 1,
  "birth_date" => "02/06/1992",
  "grade_level" => 4

//Send Call


Get data

//Create selection
$selection = array("grade_level");

//Create associative array for where we want to find the data at
$where = array(
"id" => 1

//Get Result
$result = $dm->GetRow("student",$selection,$where);

//do something with result
echo $result->grade_level;

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