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Custom hostname resolver for JAX-RS client

Is there a way to customize the host name resolution inside a JAX-RS client?

I am using javax.ws.rs.client.ClientBuilder to create a client and I would like that for example https://mytestinghost.tech resolves mytestinghost.tech to an IP I can define; eg .

I am either using default connector or Jetty HTTP(2) connector .

The client is retrieved using the following code.

  .withConfig(new ClientConfig().connectorProvider(JettyHttp2Connector::new))

I manage to force the resolution by configuration the underlying SocketAddressResolver inside HttpClient .

  .register(new JacksonJsonProvider())
  .withConfig(new ClientConfig().connectorProvider((jaxrsClient, config1) -> {
      final JettyHttp2Connector jettyHttp2Connector = new JettyHttp2Connector(jaxrsClient, config1);
      jettyHttp2Connector.getHttpClient().setSocketAddressResolver((s, i, promise) -> {
          try {
              final List<InetSocketAddress> result = Collections.singletonList(new InetSocketAddress(InetAddress.getByName(""), managementPort));
          } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
              throw new IllegalStateException(e);

      return jettyHttp2Connector;

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