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Select distinct with where clause and most recent date

I have a table where I need to find only the different ARM field values and STK respective, where DATE is the most recent and STK is greater than 1. That is, if the most recent negative I no longer want you to show.

The table is as follows:

Table MOV         

   Id       ARM   STK       DATE             
b3c842e3    F4    230   23-03-2019 00:00:00
b3c842e4    P8    832   24-03-2019 00:00:00
b32d4211    F4    -30   21-03-2019 00:00:00
6hhd421q    F4    100   26-03-2019 00:00:00
kih3221a    P8    -12   25-03-2019 00:00:00

The result I want is this:

F4    100

I tried to use SELECT DISTINCT but I could not do what I wanted because of WHERE .

You can use row_number() to assingn each row a number that is 1 for the largest date for all arm each and filter on that.

SELECT x.id,
       FROM (SELECT t.id,
                    row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY arm
                                       ORDER BY date DESC)
                    FROM elbal t
                    WHERE t.stk > 1) x
       WHERE x.rn = 1;

Try this:

select top 1 arm, stk
from mov
where stk > 1
group by arm,STK
order by max(date) desc

I am not sure if you want the most recent value with stk > 1 :

select top (1) m.*
from mov m
where m.stk > 1
order by m.date desc;

Or, if you want rows where the most recent value for an ARM has stk > 1 . If this is what you want, then:

select m.*
from (select m.*,
             row_number() over (partition by arm order by date desc) as seqnum
      from mov m
     ) m
where seqnum = 1 and m.stk > 1
order by m.date desc;

Both of these return the one row you have specified.

Here is a db<>fiddle showing that this does exactly what you specify in the question (well, it returns the full row, not just two columns).

You could use this SQL to get your wanted result.

select t1.ARM,t1.STK from MOV t1
join (select Date=MAX(DATE) from MOV where STK > 1) T2 on t1.Date = T2.Date

but be aware, if multiple records have the same DATE, multiple lines would be returned.

You can group by arm to get all the max dates for each arm , then join to the table mov and reject all the rows for which the condition stk > 1 does not apply.

  m.arm, m.stk 
from mov m inner join (
  select arm, max(date) date
  from mov
  group by arm
) g on g.arm = m.arm and g.date = m.date
where m.stk > 1

See the demo .

> arm | stk
> :-- | --:
> F4  | 100

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