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How to keep new line spacing consistant

As shown by the print out, each line should consist of aa name that has had its characters reversed followed by a birthdate that has had its format converted to a European format.

The last line however prints out two of these lines next to each other without a space. I was wondering how to avoid this and have both names/birthdates print on separate lines as those above them.

def mirror(text): 
    back = ""
    for i in range(1, len(text)):
        back = back + text[len(text) - i]
    return back 
while True: 
        file = input('Please enter the name of the file you would like to open: ') 
        text = open(file) 
        print('Please enter a valid file.')
lines = text.readlines()
for line in lines: 
    part = line[0:8].split('/') 
    dd = part[0]
    mm = part[1] 
    yy = part[2] 
    text = line[8:] 
    name = mirror(text)
    print(name + " " + mm + '/' + dd + '/' + yy, end = "")

The actual results are:

senoJ moT 02/01/00
senoJ moT 02/01/00
senoJ moT 02/01/00
senoJ moT 02/01/00
senoJ moT 02/01/00senoJ moT 02/01/00

while the ones I would like are:

senoJ moT 02/01/00
senoJ moT 02/01/00
senoJ moT 02/01/00
senoJ moT 02/01/00
senoJ moT 02/01/00
senoJ moT 02/01/00

The default for the end attribute of the print function is to add a new line character to the end of the string. With end = "" you have told it you don't want anything on the end. Remove that and it should provide the desired output.

Also, if you're not using the with open as convention for dealing with files, you're going to have to text.close() when you're done with it.

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