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C#: Generic method expression with unknown signature

For example we have a generic method

public void Test<T>(T param, Action<T> callback)


If call this method with some parameter, it automatically detect the type of T and we don't need to declare it explicitly.

For example:

// here 'int' detected
Test(1, (intVariable) =>


// here 'string' detected
Test("hello", (stringVariable) =>


Now, is there any possible way to do the same with methods. For example

Test(int.Parse, (parseMethod) =>

Yes, method/s with the same name can have different signatures and it's impossible to detect which one you want to use as a parameter, but maybe something close possible.

You have to explicitly cast to Func<string, int> to make this work:

Test((Func<string, int>)int.Parse, (parseMethod) =>

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