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How to convert csv to json in apache camel

I able to convert csv into pojo with the help of camel bindy. But I need to convert the string to json easily?

I able to do my splitting the string.But is there any efficient methods to do it?

My pojo Class:-

@CsvRecord(separator = ",",skipFirstLine = true)

public class Sample

 //some fields


Processor Class:-

String samples=exchange.getIn().getBody(String.class);

String[] strings=samples.split("}");
for(String strings1:strings)
    String[] strings2=strings1.split("'");
    for(int i=0;i<strings2.length;i++)
        if(i%2==1) {
//Is there is efficient method we can do to convert the String to list of json. Assuming csv contains multiple record

Route Builder:-

public class SimpleRouteBuilder extends RouteBuilder {
    private final BindyCsvDataFormat bindy=new BindyCsvDataFormat(com.company.model.Sample.class);;
    public void configure()  {

      from("file:/path/?fileName=CCO_SUMMARY_20190315_165800 copy.csv&noop=true").unmarshal(bindy).process(new MyProcessor()).


Eager to know if there is any efficient method to solve this?


see camel json data format ie: .json().log("${body}")

In your scenario for example:

from("file:/path/?fileName=CCO_SUMMARY_20190315_165800 copy.csv&noop=true")

where json(JsonLibrary.Jackson) forces the use of the jackson library for the conversion.

  1. You can use camel bindy t unmarshal csv to List of POJO
  2. Do mapping if required base on output format
  3. marshal mapped data using Jacson o Gson in Came route.

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