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how to read the contents of file and convert it into dictionary in python

I have a text file (applications.txt) containing n number of lines of data (with 2 delimiters) in the below format.

1) mytvScreen|mytvScreen|Mi TV,Mí TV, My Tv, TV
2) watchNextScreen|watchNextScreen|Seguir viendo,Mi TV Seguir viendo
3) recordingsScreen|recordingsScreen|Grabaciones,Mis Grabaciones,Mi TV

Note: 1,2,3 are just line numbers for reference. Original file doesn't contain the number.

I am trying to write a function that would read each line and convert it into a dictionary using the value before the first delimiter and the values after the second delimiter, like the example shown below.


The below line one should be converted into dictionary as expected below. 1) mytvScreen|mytvScreen|Mi TV,Mí TV, My Tv, TV

Expected Format:

mytvScreen : Mi TV, Mí TV, My Tv, TV

Also, Upon giving any value which are comma separated, it should return the value before the colan .


When the value Mi TV is given, it should return mytvScreen or for the other comma separated values also, it should return mytvScreen

I was able to read the file and print the values as expected.

But not sure how can i convert each line into a dictionary.

with open('applications.txt') as f:
                for line in f:
                        print (details[0] + ' : '+ details[2])

Your Help is highly appreciated.

you should be adding items to dictionary, one of the approach is given below.

s_dict= dict()
with open('applications.txt') as f:
      for line in f:
          print (details[0] + ' : '+ details[2])
          s_dict[details[0]]  = details[2]
      print (s_dict)

I build a file-object to mimic applications.txt content:

>>> import io
>>> f = io.StringIO("""mytvScreen|mytvScreen|Mi TV,Mí TV, My Tv, TV
... watchNextScreen|watchNextScreen|Seguir viendo,Mi TV Seguir viendo
... recordingsScreen|recordingsScreen|Grabaciones,Mis Grabaciones,Mi TV""")

Your file is obviously a csv file, thus you should use the csv module to parse it:

>>> import csv
>>> reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter='|')

The last part is just a dict-comprehension:

>>> {row[0]: row[2] for row in reader}
{'mytvScreen': 'Mi TV,Mí TV, My Tv, TV', 'watchNextScreen': 'Seguir viendo,Mi TV Seguir viendo', 'recordingsScreen': 'Grabaciones,Mis Grabaciones,Mi TV'}

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