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How to convert the object to 2d array using javascript

I have an object like:

    "sample.JPG": {
        "id": "c9a29270",
        "filename": "sample.JPG"
    "test.JPG": {
        "id": "c6a270",
        "filename": "test.JPG"
    "sample1.JPG": {
        "id": "c70",
        "filename": "sample1.JPG"
    "test2.JPG": {
        "id": "c6a",
        "filename": "test2.JPG"

and want it to be like:

[["fakepath/sample.JPG", "c9a29270"], ["fakepath/test.JPG", "c6a270"]]

here fake path means nothing but a static/hardcoded path
what I tried was

Object.keys(myobj).map((key)=> {
    return myoby[key];

but the result was fit to my need any suggestions?

I did something like this:

for(var i in obj){
    this.arr.push(['fakepath/' + i,obj[i].id])

is it OK?

You can map() over Object.values which is pretty concise and easier to read than a loop:

 let o = {"sample.JPG": {"id": "c9a29270","filename": "sample.JPG"},"test.JPG": {"id": "c6a270","filename": "test.JPG"},"sample1.JPG": {"id": "c70","filename": "sample1.JPG"},"test2.JPG": {"id": "c6a","filename": "test2.JPG"}} let arr = Object.values(o).map(({id, filename}) => ['fakepath/' + filename, id]) console.log(arr) 

You could use Object.keys and map .

 let obj = { "sample.JPG": { "id": "c9a29270", "filename": "sample.JPG" }, "test.JPG": { "id": "c6a270", "filename": "test.JPG" }, "sample1.JPG": { "id": "c70", "filename": "sample1.JPG" }, "test2.JPG": { "id": "c6a", "filename": "test2.JPG" } } console.log(Object.keys(obj).map(key=> [`fakepath/${key}`, obj[key].id])); 

Map the Object.entries of the object:

 const input = { "sample.JPG": { "id": "c9a29270", "filename": "sample.JPG" }, "test.JPG": { "id": "c6a270", "filename": "test.JPG" }, "sample1.JPG": { "id": "c70", "filename": "sample1.JPG" }, "test2.JPG": { "id": "c6a", "filename": "test2.JPG" } }; const output = Object.entries(input) .map(([key, { id, filename }]) => ([`fakepath/${filename}`, id])) console.log(output); 

Try this

const src = {
  "sample.JPG": {
    "id": "c9a29270",
    "filename": "sample.JPG"
  "test.JPG": {
    "id": "c6a270",
    "filename": "test.JPG"
  "sample1.JPG": {
    "id": "c70",
    "filename": "sample1.JPG"
  "test2.JPG": {
    "id": "c6a",
    "filename": "test2.JPG"

function objToAr(obj){
  let result = [];
   for(key in obj){
     let innerObj = obj[key];
     result.push([`fakepath/${innerObj.filename}`, innerObj.id]);
  return result;


You could use Array.from with Object.values by using the mapping function to map each object to an array with the path and the id:

 const obj = {"sample.JPG": {"id": "c9a29270","filename": "sample.JPG"},"test.JPG": {"id": "c6a270","filename": "test.JPG"},"sample1.JPG": {"id": "c70","filename": "sample1.JPG"},"test2.JPG": {"id": "c6a","filename": "test2.JPG"}} const res = Array.from(Object.values(obj), ({id, filename}) => [`fakepath/${filename}`, id]); console.log(res); 

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