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Android - Kotlin Sealed class with Rxkotlin filter

Since sealed is like enum object so i decided to use sealed class for network response, were it contains success or failure if it is success it contains data else error message

  sealed class Result {
            sealed class Success : Result() {
                data class F1(val data: Any) : Success()
                data class F2(val data: Any) : Success()

            sealed class Error : Result() {
                data class F1(val error: Any) : Error()
                data class F2(val error: Any) : Error()

the above Result class has either Success or Failure

                .filter {
                    it is Result.Success.F1
                .map { it: Result
                    i face problem here,my need is F1 data class but what i
                     got is Result ,i know that i can cast here, 
                    but i am eager to know for any other solution other than casting  



is there is any other solution ?
Any help

Assuming getSomeDataFromService() returns a Single , you should be able to utilize Maybe.ofType() :

    .map {

If getSomeDataFromService() returns an Observable , you can use Observable.ofType() directly.

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