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Typescript convert string to Map

I have this string (called currentExecution.variables):

{executionid=0c3246fb37e65e3368c8c4f30000016ab593bec244daa8df, timeout=10000}

and I need to convert it into a Map so that I can work with the entries, but I'm having a hard time doing this. I've tried, following this answer , to transform it into a key-value set of pairs. First I've replaced = with : and { or } with white space, then splitted it according to the answer:

newString.split(/,(?=[^,]+:)/).map(s => s.split(': '));

but I do not get the proper result, and I'm stuck without the Map. What's missing? Or is there a better/faster way to do this?

You can do the following

  1. Removing the { and } characters from the start and end the string. Do not use replace in case there are any occurrences inside it.
  2. Split the result into each discrete chunk that forms key-value pairs.
  3. Split those into actual key and value
  4. The result can readily be convert to a Map because the constructor takes an array where each item is an array with two items and will convert that to a map where the first item is the key, the second the value:

 let string = "{executionid=0c3246fb37e65e3368c8c4f30000016ab593bec244daa8df, timeout=10000}"; let keyValuePairs = string.slice(1, -1) //remove first and last character .split(/\\s*,\\s*/) //split with optional spaces around the comma .map(chunk => chunk.split("=")); //split key=value const map = new Map(keyValuePairs); console.log(map.get("executionid")); console.log(map.get("timeout")); 

You can work without regexps too, but you have to understand the basic concept of that first you split along the , s, and then along the = s:

 var data = "{executionid=0c3246fb37e65e3368c8c4f30000016ab593bec244daa8df, timeout=10000}"; var pairs = data.substring(1, data.length - 1).split(", "); // step 1, split using commas var obj = pairs.reduce(function(acc, cur) { var pair = cur.split("="); // step 2, split using = acc[pair[0].trim()] = pair[1].trim(); return acc; }, {}); console.log(obj); 

You can capture the key and value pairs in a capturing group shown in this regex .

Based on that you can go ahead and reduce its value to a Map.

 const currentExecutionVariable = "{executionid=0c3246fb37e65e3368c8c4f30000016ab593bec244daa8df, timeout=10000}"; const pattern = /([A-Za-z0-9]+)\\=([A-Za-z0-9]+)/g; const matches = currentExecutionVariable.match(pattern); const currentExecutionMap = matches.reduce((acc, curr) => { const [key, value] = curr.split('='); if (!acc.has(key)) { acc.set(key, value); } return acc; }, new Map()); for (const [key, value] of currentExecutionMap.entries()) { console.log (`${key}: ${value}`); } 


Using the captured groups:

 const currentExecutionVariable = "{executionid=0c3246fb37e65e3368c8c4f30000016ab593bec244daa8df, timeout=10000}"; const pattern = /([A-Za-z0-9]+)\\=([A-Za-z0-9]+)/g; let currentExecutionMap = new Map(); let capturedGroup; while ((capturedGroup = pattern.exec(currentExecutionVariable))) { // 1st captured group is the key of the map const key = capturedGroup[1]; // 2nd captured group is the value of the map const value = capturedGroup[2]; if (!currentExecutionMap.has(key)) { currentExecutionMap.set(key, value); } } for (const [key, value] of currentExecutionMap.entries()) { console.log(`${key}: ${value}`); } 

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