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Error running Vpython in Spyder (NameError: name 'gsprint' is not defined)

NameError: name 'gsprint' is not defined

I repeatedly get this error message when trying to run this:

from vpython import *

I am using Python 3.7.3 and Spyder 3.3.4, and cannot find any help in documentation. Vpython website says I should be able to run it:


I had the same issue: I kept getting these "NameError: name 'gsprint' is not defined" error messages when running codes with the from vpython import * line. Strangely, the same codes on Anaconda/Spyder in another computer were working fine.

I ended up in this page while looking for a solution. I tried the simple vpython code above and got the same error message running from spyder while it worked fine running directly in the Anaconda prompt. I checked that the vpython version in the environment is 7.5.0 .

My solution: an overall update on Anaconda

conda update --all

I'm now running with Spyder 3.3.6 and Python 3.7.3 and the code is working fine.

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