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How can I disable a table row if result = 0

I have my table here

Summary Table:

Main Table:

I want in the Summary Table if "Menge" = 0 the table row won't show up in the summary. That means in the actual picture only "10.95: 7" has to be shown. My current table code for the summary table:

    <div class="box">
      <div class="box-header">
      <h3 class="box-title">Zusammenfassung</h3>
      <div class="box-body">
        <table class="table table-bordered table-striped">
              <td><?php echo $count->countRow($lid, 4.95); ?></td>
              <td><?php echo $count->countRow($lid, 5.95); ?></td>
              <td><?php echo $count->countRow($lid, 7.95); ?></td>
              <td><?php echo $count->countRow($lid, 9.95); ?></td>
              <td><?php echo $count->countRow($lid, 10.95); ?></td>
              <td><?php echo $count->countRow($lid, 11.95); ?></td>
              <td><?php echo $count->countRow($lid, 12.95); ?></td>

and the class function

public function countRow($lid, $price){
    $result = $this->sql->query("SELECT count(*) FROM lieferschein2_ware where ean = '$price' and l_id = $lid");
    $res = mysqli_fetch_array($result);

    if($result->num_rows === 0){
        return 0;
        return $res["count(*)"];

the table function which displays the main Table with the information for the user

<div class="box-body">
    <table id="example1" class="table table-bordered table-striped">
<?php while($waren = mysqli_fetch_array($ware)) {   
        echo "<tr>";
        echo "<td>" . $waren["id"] . "</td>";
        echo "<td>" . $waren['ean'] . "</td>";
        echo "<td>" . $waren['status'] . "</td>";
        echo '<td><form method="post"><button type="submit" name="del" value='. $waren["id"] .' class="btn btn-danger btn-xs">Löschen</button></a></form></td>';
        echo "</tr>";


You need to apply a if condition before every row to check menge is greater than 0 as below:

<div class="box">
      <div class="box-header">
      <h3 class="box-title">Zusammenfassung</h3>
      <div class="box-body">
        <table class="table table-bordered table-striped">
            <?php if ($count->countRow($lid, 4.95) > 0) { ?>
              <td><?php echo $count->countRow($lid, 4.95); ?></td>
            <?php } ?>           

And you need to apply this if condition for every row.

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