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Sorting array keys case insensitive with swedish chars

I'm trying to sort an array by keys with swedish chars in an alphabetical "Natural sort order". This is the test array:

var test = [];
test["abc"] = [];
test["ABC"] = [];
test["test"] = [];
test["Test"] = [];
test["åäö"] = [];
test["ÅÄÖ"] = [];

The desired result is the order the array is created (abc, ABC, test, Test, åäö, ÅÄÖ), but I can't figure out how to get that order.

I've tried using:

var sortedKeys = Object.keys(test).sort();


var sortedKeys= Object.keys(test).sort(function (a, b) {
    return a.toLowerCase().localeCompare(b.toLowerCase());

But I can't get the desired order of the keys. Here's a jsfiddle with some tests: https://jsfiddle.net/3cs491gq/

Thanks for any help sorting (!) this out.

Don't use toLowerCase , and just use sort with localeCompare :

 var test = []; test["ÅÄÖ"] = []; test["abc"] = []; test["ABC"] = []; test["test"] = []; test["Test"] = []; test["åäö"] = []; var sortedKeys = Object.keys(test).sort((a, b) => !/[az]/i.test(a) ? 1 : (/[az]/i.test(b) ? 0 : -1)); console.log(sortedKeys); 

Well your code seems to work. You should not use toLowerCase though.

Here i made a test for you.

 var test = []; test["ÅÄÖ"] = []; test["abc"] = []; test["ABC"] = []; test["test"] = []; test["Test"] = []; test["åäö"] = []; var data =Object.keys(test).sort(function(a,b){ return a.localeCompare(b); }); console.log(data); 

You can simply add the proper parameters to localeCompare like so:

 var test = []; test["ÅÄÖ"] = []; test["abc"] = []; test["ABC"] = []; test["test"] = []; test["Test"] = []; test["åäö"] = []; var r = Object.keys(test).sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b, "sv", {sensitivity: 'case'})); console.log(r); 

In this case we add sv for the Swedish locale and sensitivity: 'case' as the option.

I finally found a way that seems to work quite well, at least in new versions of Chrome, Safari and Opera. This question was very helpful: How to sort special letters (typescript)?

var test = [];
test["abc"] = [];
test["ABC"] = [];
test["test"] = [];
test["Test"] = [];
test["åäö"] = [];
test["ÅÄÖ"] = [];

var sortedKeys = Object.keys(test).sort(new Intl.Collator("sv", { usage: "sort" }).compare);


There's a jsfiddle here: https://jsfiddle.net/ryv4hjk5/

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