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Call Stored Procedure In Entity Framework

I am using Entity Framework to call a stored procedure. The stored procedure looks like this:

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[AdminContracts] 
    @StatusId INT

    SELECT .. 

and my code looks like this:

public virtual ObjectResult<AdminOrder> GetAdminOrders(int orderStatus)
    return ((IObjectContextAdapter) this).ObjectContext.ExecuteStoreQuery<AdminOrder>("AdminContracts", new SqlParameter("@StatusId", orderStatus));

which seems to be correct from the other questions on SO

However, it causes an exception:

Procedure or function 'AdminContracts' expects parameter '@StatusId', which was not supplied

Looks ok to me but obviously I am missing something

Try this code:

public virtual ObjectResult<AdminOrder> GetAdminOrders(int orderStatus)
        return ((IObjectContextAdapter) this).ObjectContext.ExecuteStoreQuery<AdminOrder>("EXEC AdminContracts @StatusId", new SqlParameter("StatusId", orderStatus));

ExecuteStoreQuery<T> Method Executes a query directly against the data source that returns a sequence of typed results. so it can be user to run T-SQL statement you can check its documentation so your code it will be as following:

public virtual ObjectResult<AdminOrder> GetAdminOrders(int orderStatus)
        return ((IObjectContextAdapter) this).ObjectContext.ExecuteStoreQuery<AdminOrder>("EXEC AdminContracts @StatusId", new SqlParameter("StatusId", orderStatus));

but if you want to call stored producer or function you can use ExecuteFunction<TElement> Method Executes a stored procedure or function that is defined in the data source and mapped in the conceptual model, with the specified parameters. Returns a typed ObjectResult. you can check its documentation

so your code it will be as following:

public virtual ObjectResult<AdminOrder> GetAdminOrders(int orderStatus)
  return ((IObjectContextAdapter) this).ObjectContext.ExecuteStoreQuery<AdminOrder>("AdminContracts", new ObjectParameter("@StatusId", orderStatus));

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