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Comparing specific custom-defined attribute of user

For an XACML policy document I had in mind, I have a subject (user) and an object, each attached with a label. Let's call this myLabel = {[a,b,c], [1,2,3]} . I wish to do a comparison of parts of this label.

How can I define a subject and object to contain this label in the access request and policy to formulate a decision to compare this?

I wish to use XML rather than JSON or ALFA to declare the above.

XACML (and ALFA) comes with a set of clearly defined data types and functions. For instance XACML defines the following datatypes:

  • string
  • integer
  • boolean
  • date...

There are 18 or so datatypes out-of-the-box.

To work on those datatypes, XACML defines hundreds of functions such as:

  • string-equal
  • string-greater-than
  • integer-equal
  • ...

Attributes in XACML (eg label or role or department) must have a datatype. Attributes can be multi-valued. In other words, role = ["manager"] or role = ["manager", "employee", "janitor"] . Both are perfectly valid.

In your case, you are referring to a value structured as follows: {[a,b,c],[1,2,3]} . This is not a standard datatype. It's a complex object and as such would require further processing (in a PEP? in a PIP?). How were you thinking of passing it to the PDP?

Let's assume we have simple values eg label = '2'. To compare a user's label to a resource's label and grant access if they are equal, you would write the following:


     * Control access based on labels
    policy labelAccessControl{
        apply firstApplicable
        rule allowIfSameLabel{
            condition user.label == object.label


XACML XML equivalent

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!--This file was generated by the 
    ALFA Plugin for Eclipse from Axiomatics AB (http://www.axiomatics.com). --><!--Any modification to this file will 
    be lost upon recompilation of the source ALFA file -->
    <xacml3:Description>Control access based on labels</xacml3:Description>
    <xacml3:Target />
    <xacml3:Rule Effect="Permit"
        <xacml3:Description />
        <xacml3:Target />
                    FunctionId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:function:string-equal" />
                    MustBePresent="false" />
                    MustBePresent="false" />

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