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Malloc, free, and multiple pointers, how does it work?

I have multiple pointers pointing to dynamically allocated memory which was assigned using single malloc.

int *p1, *p2;
p1 = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * 10);
p2 = &p1[5];
p1[5] = 3;
p1[6] = 5;

Now my question is what does 'free(p2)' statement would do? Will it free memory ahead p1[5]? Is it safe to use memory ahead p1[5](ie p1[6], p1[7] , . .)

Freeing a pointer that wasn't malloc / calloc ed is undefined behavior. Some allocators such as glibc's can sometimes detect it and deterministically crash the program with a free(): invalid pointer error message, but technically you lose any and all guarantees about your program's behavior if you do it.

You cannot predict the behavior of this function, as it is undefined behavior

From the reference:

Deallocates the space previously allocated by malloc() , calloc() , aligned_alloc , (since C11) or realloc() .

If ptr is a null pointer, the function does nothing.

The behavior is undefined if the value of ptr does not equal a value returned earlier by malloc() , calloc() , realloc() , or aligned_alloc() (since C11).

free , C++ Reference

Emphasis mine: your use of free in this context would involve freeing from a pointer that was not obtained from the use of any of those functions; it was obtained by transforming the pointer that was obtained from malloc , and thus is not valid.

My best guess at what might happen is a segmentation fault; but that's up to your compiler, and not something you or I can guarantee.

So do not do this.

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