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Pretty print with libxml2?

Using libxml2. I can pretty-print the XML into a file by using xmlSaveFormatFileEnc() . But is there a way to do the same thing into a text string or stream?

I'd like to avoid writing the XML out to a file and reading it back in just to get the pretty-print version of the XML.

For the record, what I'm doing now is the following:

xmlThrDefTreeIndentString("    ");

std::string content = "....."; // do something here to get the XML
xmlDoc * doc = xmlParseDoc((xmlChar*)content.c_str());

xmlSaveFormatFileEnc("output.xml", doc, "utf-8", 1); // pretty print

Stolen from here :

xmlBufferPtr buf;
/* Create a new XML buffer, to which the XML document will be
 * written */
buf = xmlBufferCreate();
if (buf == NULL) {
    std::cerr << "testXmlwriterMemory: Error creating the xml buffer" << std::endl;

/* Create a new XmlWriter for memory, with no compression.
 * Remark: there is no compression for this kind of xmlTextWriter */
writer = xmlNewTextWriterMemory(buf, 0);
if (writer == NULL) {
    std::cerr << "testXmlwriterMemory: Error creating the xml writer" << std::endl;

And then, after you have written to the buffer:

std::cout << buf->content << std::endl

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