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JAVA Eclipselink query

I'm trying to write a JPA query that has 3 conditional where statements. But I don't seem to get the syntax correct.

try {
    Query findCustomerQuery = entityManager.createQuery("SELECT c FROM Customer c WHERE " +
            "CASE " +
            "WHEN :customerNumber is not null THEN (c.customerNumber = :customerNumber)" +
            "WHEN :customerName is not null THEN (c.name = :customerName) " +
            "WHEN :customerFirstname is not NULL THEN (c.firstName = :customerFirstname) ELSE (c.customerNumber = 0) END");

    findCustomerQuery.setParameter("customerName", customerName);
    findCustomerQuery.setParameter("customerFirstname", customerFirstname);
    return (Customer) findCustomerQuery.getSingleResult();

}finally {

It is convenient to use the JPA Criteria API for these cases.

Here is an example for your case:

// get a query builder
CriteriaBuilder builder = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
// build query for entity
CriteriaQuery<Customer> criteriaQuery = builder.createQuery( Customer.class );
// set FROM entity
Root<Customer> tags = criteriaQuery.from( Customer.class );
// get a basic predicate
Predicate p = builder.and();
// add WHERE conditions properly
if (customerNumber != null) {
    Predicate conditionPredicate = builder.and(
            builder.equal( tags.get("customerNumber"), customerNumber )
    p = builder.and(p, conditionPredicate);
// do the same for customerName and customerFirstName
if (customerName != null) {
    Predicate conditionPredicate = builder.and(
            builder.equal( tags.get("customerName"), customerName )
    p = builder.and(p, conditionPredicate);
if (customerFirstName != null) {
    Predicate conditionPredicate = builder.and(
            builder.equal( tags.get("customerFirstName"), customerFirstName )
    p = builder.and(p, conditionPredicate);

// set predicate to query
criteriaQuery.where( p );

// call query and get results
TypedQuery<Customer> q = em.createQuery(criteriaQuery);
List<Customer> o = q.getResultList();

Here are more examples if you need

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