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How do i display data passed from viewbag in controller to view

I have tried to display using @(foreach var x in viewbag.data2) loop in view

 var data = from c in _context.Posts
                       join p in _context.PostViewCount on c.Id equals p.PostId
                       select new
                           posts = c,

            var dat = data.OrderByDescending(x=>x.Count).ToList();
            ViewBag.data2 = dat;

I m getting invalid operation exception

You got your syntax a little wrong.

it should be:

@foreach(var x in ViewBag.data2){



Edit: As there seems to be a little bit of confusion with dynamic types. This example shows how to use a defined model..

Create a class for your data rather than using an anonymous object.

public class PostsModel
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public int Count { get; set; }
    // etc...

Modify your query...

var data = from c in _context.Posts
                   join p in _context.PostViewCount on c.Id equals p.PostId
                   select new PostsModel
                       Count = p.Count,
                       Title = c.Title,
                       // etc...
        var dat = data.OrderByDescending(x=>x.Count).ToList();
        ViewBag.data2 = dat;

Then just cast your Viewbag variable to the right type...

@foreach(PostsModel x in ((IEnumerable<PostsModel>)ViewBag.data2)){



You might have to import the right namespace to your view by using: @using <namespace>

To access viewbag write the below code in your view @ViewBag.data2

It will give you the data.

And place the debugger on it. You will understand the rest.

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