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how to check if user is logged in database C#

    void checkOnline()
        string sql = "select * from png_users where username = '" + txtboxUsername.Text + "' and password = '"  + txtboxPassword.Text + "' and userstatus = '1'";
        cm = new MySqlCommand(sql, cn);
        dr = cm.ExecuteReader();
        if (dr.HasRows)
            MessageBox.Show("This account is currently online, you forgot to logout. Please approach administrator for help. Thank you", "THD FAM", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

I'm pretty new to database and I am trying to figure out how to use sessions to check and see if a user is logged into a database so that they would have authorization to access specific pages.

Thanks For Help

According to comments

If the userstatus is 0 you can use the account and if the userstatus = 1 you can't access the account because someone already used it

we should check for 3 cases:

  • user / password not found (let's return -1 as userstatus for this)
  • user owns the account ( userstatus is 0 )
  • account belongs to some other user ( userstatus is 1 )

Let's extract method :

  // -1 Account does't exist 
  //  0 Account exists and belongs to the user
  //  1 Account exists and belongs to different user
  public int UserLogStatus(string login, string password) {
    //DONE: do not reuse connection, but create a new one
    using (var con = new MySqlConnection(ConnectionStringHere)) {

      //DONE: keep sql readable
      //DONE: make sql parametrized 
      string sql = 
        @"select userstatus
            from png_users 
           where username = @prm_username and
                 password = @prm_password";  

      //DONE: wrap IDisposable into using 
      using (MySqlCommand query = new MySqlCommand(sql, con)) {
        //TODO: better create params explicitly, Parameters.Add(name, type).Value = ...
        query.Parameters.AddWithValue("@prm_username", login);
        query.Parameters.AddWithValue("@prm_password", pasword);

        using (var reader = query.ExecuteReader()) {
          if (reader.Read()) 
            return Convert.ToInt32(reader[0]);
            return -1;

And then you can use it:

  int status = IsUserLogged(txtboxUsername.Text, txtboxPassword.Text);

  if (status == 0) {
    MessageBox.Show("Either username or password is incorrect.", 
                    "THD FAM", 

  else if (status == 1) {
    MessageBox.Show("This account is currently online, you forgot to logout. Please approach administrator for help. Thank you", 
                    "THD FAM", 


Warning! Do not store passwords as plain text . If someone steal the table all the users will be compromised. Store password hashes instead. When logging on, user must provide a string ( password ), such that

  HashFunction(password) == StoredHash

where HashFunction is one way function : easy to compute (ie it's easy to find HashFunction(password) value), difficult to reverse (ie it's almost impossible to find a sting such that HashFunction(password) == given value )

您必须使用 con.close() 关闭连接;

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