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JOIN three table and get specific result in SQL

I have three tables as follows:

protocol :

| id | subject | date | location |
| 1  | sub1    | c1   | s1       |
| 2  | sub2    | c1   | s2       |
| 3  | sub3    | c3   | s2       |
| 4  | sub4    | c2   | s3       |

protocol_item :

| id | protocol | body  |
| 1  | 1        | Hello |
| 2  | 2        | world |
| 3  | 2        | ok    |

protocol_participant :

| protocol | participant |
|  1       | Right 1     |
|  2       | part 72     |
|  2       | Hello 3     |

I want to select item from the protocol_item table where protocol_item.protocol = 2 :

| id | subject | location | body  | participant |
| 2  | sub2    | s2       | world | part 72     |
| 2  | sub2    | s2       | ok    | Hello 3     "

I have tried below way:

select item.id 
  , item.protocol
  , item.body
  , p.subject
  , pp.participant 
from protocol_item item 
left join protocol p 
  on item.protocol = p.id 
left join protocol_participant pp 
  on pp.protocol = item.protocol 
where item.protocol = 2;

But it's showing 4 values. Where am i doing wrong? Thanks in advance.

    SELECT item.id, item.protocol, item.body, p.sub, pp.participant 
FROM protocol p 
    INNER JOIN protocol_item item ON item.protocol = p.id 
    INNER JOIN protocol_participant pp ON pp.protocol = item.protocol 
WHERE item.protocol = 2 GROUP BY item.id
SELECT p.id as id
     , p.subject
     , p.location
     , pi.body
     , pp.participant 
  FROM protocol p 
  JOIN protocol_item pi
    ON p.id = pi.protocol 
  JOIN protocol_participant pp 
    ON pi.protocol = pp.protocol 
 WHERE pi.protocol = 2    

Am assuming the id you want in the joined table is p.id, in case you want protocol_item.id then it should be pi.id as id

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