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Django Form some field always get None in clean_field() or clean()

It's always get None in clean() or clean_field(), but it's in self.data.

django 2.x

The fields declaration is:

    phone = forms.CharField(

    code_length = settings.SMS_CODE_LENGTH
    code = forms.CharField(
    def clean_code(self):
        code = self.cleaned_data.get('code')
        phone = self.cleaned_data.get('phone')
        result, message = sms_validator.validate(phone, code)

    def clean(self):
        code = self.cleaned_data.get('code')
        phone = self.cleaned_data.get('phone')
        result, message = sms_validator.validate(phone, code)

Both of above all run in error:

phone = None

But if

phone = self.data.get('phone')

It's can get the value.

I want to get the phone value in clean_data

Firstly, you must always return the cleaned value from a field clean method. Secondly, it is not safe to access other field values in a field clean method; that is what the overall clean() method is for.

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