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Usage of "__add__" method in Tuple class

python noob here and playing around with the limitations of Tuples and Lists.

I don't have a problem, just a general query about usage of the __methodname__ methods in the Tuple class and/or in general.

I am aware that you cannot modify Tuples and in order to do so, you have to convert it to a list, modify said list, then convert back to Tuple but I had a play around with the __add__ method and found that it works. What are issues and limitations with using this to create new Tuples with modifications to an existing one?


myTuple = ('item1', 2, 'item3', ['list1', 'list2'])
tupleModification = myTuple.__add__(('newTupleItem1','newTupleItem2'))

This outputs the following:

('item1', 2, 'item3', ['list1', 'list2'], 'newTupleItem1', 'newTupleItem2')

which is correct but i'm wondering if i'm playing with fire because I haven't seen this solution posted anywhere in relation to modifying Tuples.

EDIT: I am aware that you cannot modify existing Tuples and that this will create a new instance of one. I think I may have confused people with my naming conventions.

__add__ is the method which is called when you do:

myTuple + ("newTupleItem1", "newTupleItem2")

So this does not modify myTuple but creates a new tuple whose content is the content of myTuple concatenated with ("newTupleItem1", "newTupleItem2") .

You can print myTuple to see that it has not been modified:

>>> myTuple
('item1', 2, 'item3', ['list1', 'list2'])

And you can check that myTuple and tupleModification are not the same object:

>>> myTuple is tupleModification

You cannot modify tuples, that's right. However, you can concatenate two existing tuples into a new tuple. This is done with the + operator, which in turn calls the __add__ method. The resulting tuple will not be a "modification" of any of the original ones, but a new distinct tuple. This is what the code you posted does. More concisely, you can just do:

myTuple = ('item1', 2, 'item3', ['list1', 'list2'])
tupleModification = myTuple + ('newTupleItem1','newTupleItem2')
# ('item1', 2, 'item3', ['list1', 'list2'], 'newTupleItem1', 'newTupleItem2')

EDIT: Just as a clarification, you cannot "edit" a tuple anyhow, that is, add or remove elements from it, or change its contents. However, if your tuple contains a mutable object, such as a list, then that inner object can be modified:

myTuple = (1, [2, 3])
# (1, [2, 3, 4])

I think fundamentally you're confused about the difference between creating a new object with modifications ( __add__ in this case) and modifying an existing object ( extend for example).


As other answers already mentioned, the __add__ method implements the + operator, and it returns a new object. Tuples and lists each have one. For example:

>>> tuple_0 = (1,)
>>> tuple_1 = tuple_0.__add__((2,))
>>> tuple_1 is tuple_0
>>> list_0 = [1]
>>> list_1 = list_0.__add__([2])
>>> list_1 is list_0


Lists, which are mutable, have an extend method, which modifies the existing object and returns None . Tuples, which are immutable, don't. For example:

>>> list_2 = [4, 5, 6]
>>> id_save = id(list_2)
>>> list_2.extend([7])
>>> id(list_2) == id_save
>>> tuple_2 = (4, 5, 6)
>>> tuple_2.extend([7])
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'extend'

Lists have other methods which change the existing object, like append , sort , pop , etc, but extend is the most similar to __add__ .

There is a difference between 1) modifying an existing tuple (in-place), and 2) leaving the original alone, but creating a new modified copy. These two different paradigms can be seen throughout computer programming, not just python tuples. For example, consider increment a number by one. You could modify the original, or you could leave the original alone, create a copy and then modify the copy.

     x == 5
     x == 6

    x == 5
    x == 5 (unchanged)
    y == 6

tuple.__add__ concatenates tuples. For example, (x, y) + (a, b, c) returns (x, y, a, b, c)

tuple.__add__ does not modify the original tuples. It leaves the original tuples alone, and creates a new tuple which is the concatenation of the original two. This is contrast to something like list.append or list.extend which modifies the original list instead of returning a modified copy.

Tuple methods generally do the following:

  1. copy the original
  2. modify the copy in some way
  3. leave the original alone.

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