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SQL Query in JavaSpring Returning Null

I'm trying to do a simple SQL call through Java Spring. The database has data but on the call is returning a list of null values.

What's interesting is that when I select a particular row, it returns the correct value. (See below)


public interface BasicAccountAuditRepository extends CrudRepository<BasicAccountAudit, BasicAccountAuditPK> {

    List<BasicAccountAudit> findAll();

    @Query("SELECT b FROM BasicAccountAudit as b WHERE id.accountRef  = :accountRef ")  
    List<BasicAccountAudit> findByAccountRef(@Param("accountRef") String accountRef);

//This returns the correct values for dcConnName
    @Query("SELECT id.dcConnName FROM BasicAccountAudit WHERE id.accountRef  = :accountRef ")  
    List<BasicAccountAudit> findByAccountRef(@Param("accountRef") String accountRef);


I'm using an embedded ID for the model class. BasicAccountAudit.java

@Table(name = "tb_Account_History", schema="dbo")

public class BasicAccountAudit implements Serializable{

    private BasicAccountAuditPK id;

    @Column(insertable = true, columnDefinition = "TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP")
    private Date enteredDate;

    @Column(insertable = true, columnDefinition = "TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP")
    private Date lastUpdatedDate;


Here is the Primary Key Class: BasicAccountAuditPK.java

package org.fusion.restful.basicaccount.model;

import java.io.Serializable;

public class BasicAccountAuditPK implements Serializable {

    private String accountRef;
    private String client;
    private String dcEligible;
    private String shortCode;
    private String loadCps;
    private String stpFlag;
    private String accountType;
    private String clearingFirm;
    private String exchange;
    private String dcConnName;
    private String status; 
    private String enteredBy;

 //getters and setters...

You need to be consistent with the alias usage. In your first query you have forgotten the alias in your where clause:

"SELECT b FROM BasicAccountAudit as b WHERE id.accountRef  = :accountRef "

should be

SELECT b FROM BasicAccountAudit as b WHERE b.id.accountRef  = :accountRef "

In your second query you don't declare alias therefore by default it is looking up the id under your object.

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