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using type returned by Type.GetType() in c#

i've got a question about how is it possible (if possible :) to use a type reference returned by Type.GetType() to, for example, create IList of that type?

here's sample code :

Type customer = Type.GetType("myapp.Customer");
IList<customer> customerList = new List<customer>(); // got an error here =[

Thank You in Advance !

Something like this:

Type listType = typeof(List<>).MakeGenericType(customer);
IList customerList = (IList)Activator.CreateInstance(listType);

Of course you can't declare it as


because it is not defined at compile time. But List<T> implements IList, so you can use this.

I recently faced this problem..I realize this is an old question, but thought someone might find useful the solution i found (using net 4.0 ). This is the setup i had:

public interface ISomeInterface{
     String GetEntityType{ get; }

public abstract class BaseClass : ISomeInterface{
     public String GetEntityType { 
          get{ return this.GetType().ToString(); }

public class ChildA : BaseClass {  }

public class ChildB : BaseClass {  }

What I did was create a factory method:

public static dynamic GetRealType { ISomeInterface param } {
     return Activator.CreateInstance("dllname", param.GetEntityType);

Creating the object as a dynamic type was what solved it for me. I inferred the type by having a method:

public void DoSomething<T>(T param){

     IList<T> list = somecode...

this allowed me to do a call to the method and let .net infer the type

public void myMethod( ISomeInterface param ) {
     dynamic value = Factory.GetRealType ( param );

Hope i didn't make it all confusing and it actually helps, also, sorry for the wall of text

The solution to your problem is provided by Stefan already.

The reason that you can not do IList<customer> is because you can not mix compile time and run-time types this way. A hint when I try to reason about something like this is: how can intellisense figure out what members it must show. In your example this can only be resolved at runtime.

The answer given by Stefan, can be used. However I think it does not help in your underlying problem, because it does not give you intellisense. So I think you have no advantage over using just a non-generic list.

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