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Parse nested json objects in groovy

I have a json file containing contact info grouped by city. I want to parse the json and create a list of names and numbers but after fiddling for an hour or so, I can't get this to work in groovy.

def ​json = '''{
  "boston": [
      "phone":"242 123123",
  "chicago": [

I have tried a few variations on the following theme but they all failed so far.

parsedjson = slurper.parseText(json)
phonelist = []

It's tricky with the json you have, as you need to look for the values which are lists... You can do this with a findAll , so given the json:

def ​json = '''{
  "boston": [
      "phone":"242 123123",
  "chicago": [

You can import the JsonSlurper and parse the json as you currently do:

import groovy.json.JsonSlurper

def parsedjson = new JsonSlurper().parseText(json)


def result = ​parsedjson.findAll { it.value instanceof List } // Find all entries with a list value
          .values()                                          // Get all the lists
          .flatten()                                         // Merge them into a single list
          .collect { [it.name, it.phone] }     ​​​​​              // grab the name and phone for each

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