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how to configure route in webapi c#, so that any variable name can be used in place of {id}

I have configured the convention based routing as below in WebApiConfig.cs

name: "DataDictionaryApi",
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { id= RouteParameter.Optional }

This works fine for this api end point.

public void DeleteDataDictionary(int id)
    //my code

But I want to use any meaningful name for the variable instead of id.
For example:

public void DeleteDataDictionary(int dataDictionaryId)
    //my code

public void DeleteMenu(int menuId)
    //my code

The problem is it only works when I give parameter name as id.

Use an attribute routing instead.

public void DeleteDataDictionary(int dataDictionaryId)
    //my code

And send a request as follows,


Try using the FromRouteAttribute


public void DeleteDataDictionary( [FromRoute("id")] int dataDictionaryId)
    // your code

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