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Different website performance score in pagespeed insight vs chrome lighthouse?

While checking my performance of the website on https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/ and on chrome lighthouse extension it is giving me different score. Could anyone help me out why there is such differences as both are google's product?.

PS: score difference is like : pagespeed = 28 and on lighthouse = 78

In my experience, Lighthouse provides you much more custom controls which affect the performance score in a big way. As an example, we had a score of 73-75 on Pagespeed insights (ran it on https://www.flexiple.com ) while observed a score of 18 on Lighthouse. Later, realised we had enabled throttling with 3G. The moment we checked "No Throttling", the score moved back to 76.

Only way to pinpoint the discrepancy is to understand the exact context and see what might have affected the score.

it is because lighthouse connects to website from client device (laptops/mobile) but pagespeed connects from servers(mostly in USA) which could be location far away from hosting server. This will affect the time to download the content and hence the score.

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