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Kivy app lags horrendously after switching computer hardware. How do I fix this?

I've been writing a program in Kivy for the past few weeks which was working fine on my laptop (Intel Core i5 6200U, 8GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce 940M). A couple of days ago, my laptop broke, so I bought a new desktop computer (Intel Core i5-3450, 8gb RAM, Intel HD Graphics 2500). I installed my laptop's hard drive into this new computer and then tried to continue coding.

Now, however, the same code/program on the same hard drive is completely and utterly laggy when I start it up. I've been Googling around like crazy to try and find a solution to this problem, but nobody else seems to experience this.

The lags occur no matter how complicated the code is by the way. I've tried to literally just create a blank screen (see code below) and it still lags (noticeable by me being unable to drag the screen around).

Even when using a super extremely simplified Kivy app like this:

from kivy.uix.widget import Widget

class PongGame(Widget):

class PongApp(App):
    def build(self):
        return PongGame()

if __name__ == '__main__':

which I took from Kivy's docs

While running the program, my Task Manager tells me that it uses 0% of my CPU and 11.5% of my memory. The rest of my computer does not lag at all, but as I said, the Kivy app itself lags despite being just a blank screen.

Does anyone of you know what I could try to fix this problem? Any help at all is much appreciated

Ah I just found the solution. My graphics drivers weren't up to date. Upon updating them, the problem immediately solved itself.

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