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Start MSTSC/RDP from Job only if no user is logged in remotely

I am trying to true up out systems as we have a discrepancy from AD and our inventory management tool. I need to attempt to remote to a ton of PCs (~500). I am trying to build a GUI/script that will remote to a computer if there is no user logged in. I can do this one by one, but being as there are a ton of PCs that are in AD, but do not exist it takes a long time for each one to fail. I want to try and start a job for all of the computers in a list but only launch mstsc if there is no user logged in.

#Clear previous jobs
Get-Job | Remove-Job
$computers = $richtextbox1.Text.Split("`n") | % { $_.trim() }
foreach ($computer in $computers) {
    if ($computer -ne "") {
         Start-Job -ScriptBlock {
             if (Test-Connection -ComputerName $args[0] -Count 1) {
                $uname = ""
                $uname = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Computersystem -ComputerName $args[0] |
                         Select-Object -Expand UserName
                if ($uname -like "") {
                      C:\Windows\System32\mstsc.exe /v:$args /h:768 /w:1024
                      # At this point the mstsc box would pop up, and the job
                      # can be killed if possible
         } -ArgumentList $computer

If I remove if ($uname -like "") it will start mstsc . Another issue is when I do this to a block of 60 computers it will start mstsc for ~6 computers, wait about 45 seconds then open a couple more windows (only about 10 of the computers existed). So I think there might be an issue with jobs being running and taking too long? What would be the best way to cancel a job if it is taking too long to execute?

I'm not sure if the issue is related to $args / $args[0] . When working with jobs in the past I had to use $args[0] . I also know that this can produce inconsistent results with getting the logged on user with Windows 10, so if there is a better option there, that would be helpful.

I ended up using this check to see if a user was logged in, and it worked.

$NOTNULLIFLOCKED = gwmi -Class win32_process -computername $comp -Filter "Name='LogonUI.exe'"
if ($NOTNULLIFLOCKED -ne $null)
    # No Active Session (LogonUI.exe Running)
    # If LogonUI.exe is running, that means the login box is currently present on the screen.
    & C:\Windows\System32\mstsc.exe "/v:$comp" "/h:768" "/w:1024"

I am running into another issue now, but I will post another question.

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