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How to mask out first 2 MSB bytes of a 64-bit number?

I have a 64-bit unsigned integer . Which contains 0s in the first two MSB bytes. How can I mask out that first two MSB bytes?

uint64 value;
value = 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1101 1111 1010 1110 1111 1111 1111 0101 
0101 1101 1101;
uint48 answer;
answer = 0000 1101 1111 1010 1110 1111 1111 1111 0101 
0101 1101 1101;

In the above example, the value is a 64-bit number. I want the answer to contain all the bits other than first 2 bytes. So, that I can pack the answer in a byte array of size 6 . How can I achieve this in C ?

Mask it with 48 1-bits: 0xffffffffffff

uint64_t value = <something>;
uint48_t answer = src & 0xffffffffffff;

But if you know the 2 MSB are zeroes, you don't need to do any masking, just assign the variables:

uint48_t answer = value;

To store them in a byte array, shift by the appropriate number of bytes and mask with 0xff to get a single byte.

uint8_t bytes[6];
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
    bytes[i] = (value >> (40 - 8 * i)) & 0xff;

You can use either the original 64-bit value or the 48-bit value, this works for any size at least 6 bytes.

Make a union with your uint64_t value and an array of Bytes.

typefef union
    uint8_t   ByteArray[8];
    uint64_t  Value;

Array64T   CompleteValue;

CompleteValue.Value = ...
void *copt6lsb(uint64_t val, void *buff)
        uint8_t d8[2];
        uint16_t d16;
    }u16 = {.d8[0] = 0xff};
    char *pos = &val;

    pos = pos + 2 * (u16.d16 == 0xff00);
    memcpy(buff, pos, 6);
    return buff;

Good thing is that most compilers then the optimization is on will optimize out the union and will replace the comparison with assignment.


and platforms which allow unaligned access will optimize the memcpy as well


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